I think she's dying... advice PLEASE


12 Years
Apr 25, 2007
Southern Maine
hey all,

Well our little "chirper" all of a sudden is acting ill.
PLEASE let us know if there's anythign we can do!

3-day old RIR chick, had been perfectly fine and spunky (if you read the crying thread, she was a loud complainer and extra alert and hyper, but certainly not acting sick!!)

I check them for pasty butts every few hours and earlier this afternoon saw a white goo on her vent. Cleaned her up and put her back in the brooder. Now suddenly she is acting ill: falling asleep but not becoming awake in the normal way when jostleed by the others or being picked up, seems to be breathing heavily. Same white gooey poop on her again, I cleaned her off again. If she is awake and walking its in a sort of slow-motion, stumbling way, and she's not all rushing about eating and drinking like the others.

Compared to how spunky she was until earlier today, it makes me VERY worried.

Oh, yes, she is also not growing like the others. She's still small and everyone else has grown a lot in 2 days...

Is there anything I should be doing?

Thank you!
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:) Hi
Are you giving them V&E in the water?

If you think he is weak and the others are wareing him out
You may want to seperate him to get the rest he needs.

Wish I knew what to tell ya

I think she's too far gone. My mom Stacey is just holding her under a light to kee her warm and she's just sleeping and barely aware. we just put V&E in the water today- just a little bit. Mom just got her to drink a little regular water but she's completely disinterested in anything and has white doo oozing out of her vent.

Please everyone send positive energy to poor little Valentina. I hope she makes it.... Please please please if you know of anything that can help PLEASE reply VERY QUICKLY!!!!!


*White poo usually means serious stressors of some kind, and since she's been screaming for something we haven't been able to figure out and resolve for 3 days. . . . I've been kinda wondering abt a food allergy or something. Diluted Papaya juice might help if its digestion related. Or a crushed papaya tablet in water. . . Walgreen's or any drug store oughta have em.
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Egg is good but if her crop is full then you don't want to over stuff her.

I just worry she may need some water to digest the dry food she has in her crop..

So Wish I could Help :-(

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