I wanna cross breed my silkie roo with some heat tolerant breed

White Leghorns are Mediterranean birds so they’re good in the heat.
good to know. I hear leghorns are flightly/nervous birds that are just hard to gain trust, will the flightly gene pass on to the chicks? I have already raised lambs and sheep before that are flightly and I dont wanna have a round at flightly chickens...
oh yes yes I want them but they are rare I think so idk about getting them

IIRC, Silkie x Naked Neck = Showgirl

I did some research. All the heat tolerant only breeds are flighty or non-hearty.

The only hearty, non-flighty chickens I found were heat and cold tolerant. These also do well in confinement, but prefer a large pen and some free range time.
Egg production is weekly average and can vary from hatchery to hatchery, as can broody behavior.

Brahma; 3 eggs, broody.

Delaware; 4 eggs.

Naked Neck; 4 eggs.

New Hampshire Red; 5 eggs, can be broody.

Rhode Island Red; 6 eggs, hens can be aggressive to other breeds, I will find out myself, as I have 4 Rhode Island Reds and 4 Barred Rocks as chicks nearly 6 weeks old.

So far they get along.
Barred Rocks are people friendly, they come to me and I can pet them.
Rhode Island Reds are slowly coming closer to me but I have yet to pet one. GC

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