I want Dominiques


14 Years
Mar 6, 2008
East Tennessee
Im going to order 20 or more Dominiques and I would like your opinion, that is if U have ordered Dominiques from any of the hatcheries before. So if U have, which hatchery will have the "true to type" Standard of the breed, or has a known bloodline. We live on a farm and haven't had any chickens for years. I still remember the old Dominiques that we had years ago. I am going to try to stock a few back, and I would like to have known or "true" types to start with. Opinions will be appreciated.
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My free rare chick from Mcmurray 5 years ago went reserve best of show at Fresno's open APA ABA show. He was 9 months old and had been in a hen house with 20 hens for the winter. The show was in February. I love the breed and am now working with the Bantam variety.
Are you talking about standard or bantam dominiques? If its bantam, I know Cackle gets theirs from a breeder with very good stock.
Yes I here Cackle's bantams are from the Beauty line. I'm looking for standard Doms. I talked to Cackle the other day. I put the question to them about black or stained beaks, their answer was "our Dominiques are commercial so we can get the eggs" and never would tell me about if they would have the dark stained looking beak. Hey at least they were honest!
The Dominiques are Mcmurrys are their highest priced chicks, does this tell me something? Im going to call them in a few days. Most other hatcheries price their Doms in line with most other standard breeds. It could be that theirs are bred more to standard. Ill find out soon.
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Good Luck

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