i want my homing pigeon to trust me as soon as possible


Jun 26, 2019
Old Sock
i just got this beautiful little fella
he lives outside with his own little home
hes a homing pigeon
weve had him for two days
he is registered to a breeder that doesnt want him
how do i re register him
i do plan on letting him out after a while and seeing if he comes back
he grunts and i know thats not a good thing
i dont even know what kind of music he likes
help and please give me every shred of advice any of you have
How old is it? Unless its young its likely to return to its old loft when released.
I would personally give the bird a few days to settle in. After that try feeding him from hand so that he associates you with food. Some favorite treats are raw unshelled peanuts and safflower seed. Most of my pigeons trust me and have no issue landing on me and swarming me when I bring food but they like their personal space and don't really enjoy handling. Yours may be the same way, or with some work he might warm up to you well. If he grunts at you or slaps you with his wings that generally means that they want you out of their personal space.
The breeder may not want him for whatever reasons. :idunno
If he is young, then he may homeset to your loft. If older, then it gets challenging, but not impossible.
Look on his leg band. It should have year on it. That does not guarantee, anything, since breeder may have used older recycled bands on pigeons. The year on band does indicate the earliest possible year of birth.
I have no idea where you live, or even country, since it is missing from your profile. In some areas, you may be able to contact the pigeon club that issued the rings, and have a change of address, and ownership done, for that particular ring number.:idunno
My suggestion to you is this,,,, Try to find your pigeon a mate. Once they are paired up and hatch out 3 or more clutches of young,,,,,,,, it is possible that the adults will homeset. The young born in your loft will easily homeset to your loft. It does take some training. When you are at that point,,,, there are many here on pigeon threads that will tell you the best way to do that. I'm not going to get into that now,,,,, since it is some time away.
Ask anything else you need to know,,,, Housing, food,Etc.
WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and :welcome

For music,,,,, I'm sure he will like this tune,
How old is it? Unless its young its likely to return to its old loft when released.
I would personally give the bird a few days to settle in. After that try feeding him from hand so that he associates you with food. Some favorite treats are raw unshelled peanuts and safflower seed. Most of my pigeons trust me and have no issue landing on me and swarming me when I bring food but they like their personal space and don't really enjoy handling. Yours may be the same way, or with some work he might warm up to you well. If he grunts at you or slaps you with his wings that generally means that they want you out of their personal space.
hes an adult
hes an adult
With that.... you know you will have to keep him prisoner. (term used by pigeon peeps, but in no way means cruel, only not released freeflight.)
My first pigeon that I kept for 2 years did not homeset, and left when I released him.
This should give you a clearer understanding of the traits of HOMING pigeons.
How do I re register him
help and please give me every shred of advice any of you have
The fact that the bird did not make it home to its point of origin is a sign that it may be a bird that will be easier to locate to a new loft.
I would guess it is a 2019 bird that hatched early.

When trying to orientate an adult pigeon to my loft I mate the bird with a partner and let them raise 3 batches of squabs before I release the adult bird. I have a high success rate with this practice but it is not fool proof. I have two adult birds in my loft at present that were lost in a race and they have orientated to my loft only after about 3 weeks. The owners were notified and have yet to pick them up.

This site is most likely the provider of the band on the birds leg.


Contact them and explain your situation and they should either accomplish what you want done or direct you otherwise.
This is the kind of feed pigeons like

Pigeon Feed.jpg
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Some ideas on how to gain trust...
1. Be respectful and trustworthy towards your bird. Don't grab at him unless an emergency.
2. Get some UNSALTED dry roasted peanuts.

3. Break them up in pieces and let him try them. Once he gets a taste for them - Toss them towards him, closer and closer until he eats from your hand.
4. Spend some time sitting nearby him to allow him to habituate to your presence. Always move slowly and quietly around him.
5. Use the same 'food call' each time you feed him. Give fresh water everyday, they always like a nice drink after eating.
6. Establish a routine and be predictable, birds don't like surprises.

Also, he will be happier if you get him a companion bird as they are a social species.

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