I wanted 6 Cornish X to give the chicken raising a try...


9 Years
Feb 16, 2010
Amesbury, MA
I now have a brooder full of 39 of them
...and one little Exotic something or other. I have some 14 Jumbo Cornish (all Roo's) and 12 Cornish Roasters (straight run) and then today picked up 12 "cornish" was all it said on the sign at the feed store. They all have wing feathers and some are getting tail feathers, where as others clearly are still fuzzy butts. Is there any rule as to who gets tail feathers first boys or girls?

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I got some Cornish, and a few Cornish crosses in Late January. You won't need to wait too long to figure it out, as the Cornish X grow so darn fast that the Roos are evident in 5 or so weeks... As for the regular Cornish, I bet in 6-7 weeks you will know. As for tail/wing/other feathers.... Beats me. The all looked alike until they didn't.... Kinda like humans!
You can't tell sex that way, but within a couple of days you will definitely see a difference in the Cornish X's. You can almost watch their feathers grow in.

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