I was warned! (pics)


Just Me!
14 Years
Aug 29, 2008
Hogansville, Georgia
Yes I know everyone on BYC warned that once you get chickens you will want more, and once you build your coop it will not be big enough. Well we finally hung the last piece of chicken wire and I got my chicks from Roosty this past Sunday. And guess what! My husband last night states that he thinks we will need more! and that the coop isnt really big enough!!!! I think he's hooked. He started to even talk about looking at property for a small farmette! WHat have I started? LOL!!

My new coop (the one we just finished) I might be expanding into his attached shed. hehe.


The new chicks! Chicken, Cleo, Tippsy, Piggy, Butterfly and Honey


My coop is about the size of yours. and was wondering

How many chickens do you think would it hold?

My DH won't messure it for me.

I have 1 Rooster and 7 hens in there at night.

What do you think? Or any other folks out there have any ideas?
Simple life they are frizzle cochins. I got them from Roosty (she had some really beautiful ones) I was only suppose to get 3 but I took my DH and we ended up with 6.

Dottie Pratt I'm new at this but I have presently have 6 hopefully hens! I know they can fit in there comfortably when they are fully grown. We will let them free range a bit when they are a little bigger.
lovely coop and babies!

you could make that coop your baby, or brooder, or hospital coop, and build another for the grown up chickens.

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