I went from one broody hen to 3 but thats ok, Papas eggs have arrived!!!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 7, 2013
Apple Valley, Ca
First I have to say that man is the all time king of packers. I want to put these under my hens.... Someone help me out with steps to success? I am just so excited LOL an I am not even gonna try to hide it!! LOL
First I have to say that man is the all time king of packers.
Now you have me curious. How does he pack them? Photo?

What are you hatching?

This box came inside another box with more safety packing. Have had them maybe 30 min, can't wait to get started :) Oh and olive eggers and Chocolate eggers :)
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Little Update:

Okay, first things first, I candled all 36 of the eggs that were under the hens, of them 19 looking good, so I decided to give them back (natures course thing)... tossing the rest.
When I removed these eggs, I put the new shipped eggs under the girls. No problems.... After I got done candling the existing group, I took the others back out..... The delaware pushed them all under her.... Question tho..... with 3 hens setting if one hatches and gives up will the others steal the unhatched.... they seem to be little thieves they steal each others and everyone elses eggs... Cause, I really dont want to kill off eggs that were there if I don't have to, but the shipped eggs are awfully important... Input???

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