I went into Lockdown Tonight!!! Wish me luck!*PICS OF MY NEW BABIES!*


9 Years
Nov 25, 2010
Orem, Utah.
I just candled and I have 9 moving babies! I've set down the shelf liner in the incubator, and brought the humidity up and now comes the hard part...the wait
If all goes well, I'll have some fuzzy butts on monday! w00t!

The Eggs Are: Leghorn(White) X Ameraucana/Australorp X Mix Roo(Rir, Iowa Blue, and Leghorn)
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Thanks everyone I will post lots of pictures!

Garrison-Hatching is addicting! I so agree. This is my maybe 15th hatch this year! Good luck to you!
I went into lockdown today as well ! Got 5 BBS orpingtons due Monday... my first shipped eggs so I feel ya!

Good luck and happy hatching

leghornlover@123 :

not to bug you but how can you raise the humidty without raising the tempature

I put a big bowl of water in the bottom of mine and a couple of sponges it seems like the more sponges I add the high the humidity, just keep the bowl full of water. Hot Water.​

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