Icelandics vs swedish flower


5 Years
Jan 16, 2016
New Jersey
Hi everyone!
I am considering both of these breeds for my backyard for the following reasons. Can anyone tell me if you prefer one breed over the other? Or if you love either of these breeds, why? Thanks so much!

1. Hardiness/Ability to free range in winter (my birds won't even go out in the run with a dusting) and I know the more space they get the healthier they are. The soil where I live is high is worms and coccidia
2. Broody/good mother's
3. Alertness to predators-my yard is fenced in and my coop and run are electrified, but I have fox, raccoon, black bear, Hawks, etc. When a bear attacked my coop last year through the open chicken door the birds weren't even smart enough to fly up to the roost where they would've been safe
4. Ability to keep multiple roosters if raised together.
5. The completely shallow reason of loving that they are so varied in looks, I can have a mixed flock without having a mixed flock.
I don't think many people have had these breeds, and a lot less have had both. I would pick which ever appeals to you the most and see how it goes.
Heard good things about icelandics a few years ago when a few flocks came into mainstream availability. Supposedly have the most diverse gene pool great foragers and will raise there own chicks very well and dont care much for human interaction. If you get the real deal, which might be hard to verify then you'll be set. But if you go to iceland bring me back some eggs please ;)
Thanks guys! I also asked on the SFH and Icelandics Facebook pages and generally people like Icelandics slightly better. Looks like I'll be ordering hatching eggs from David in the spring!
Thanks guys! I also asked on the SFH and Icelandics Facebook pages and generally people like Icelandics slightly better. Looks like I'll be ordering hatching eggs from David in the spring!

Do you have an update on your chickens? I too am curious about Icelandics.

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