Ideal surprise special, 4 months later


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jul 28, 2010
Back in January I got 30 of the Ideal surprise specials I can identify most, but there are a few I'm not sure about. I've got 4 pullets that I think are black copper marans but ideal doesn't sell them and they could also be black sex links so I wanted to check with the experts:


Then there are these solid black ones, I've got 2 pullets and 2 roos of them. I'm thinking black australorp???
Ok, I guess it was it just high hopes that they were copper marans. What threw me was that 2 of them have black legs and the other 2 have yellow legs. I'll check the black ones tomorrow for the color of the bottom of their feet.
checked the bottom of the feet, and I'm pretty sure I've got 4 jersey black giants. 2 cocks and 2 pullets. I've got one other bird that I'm unsure about I'll try to get a pic of her and post it up later.
Black Sexlink's leg color can vary quite a lot. The top two pics are both BSLs.

I'm thinking about getting some of Ideal's "Surprise Pullets." What all breeds did you get?

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