May 14, 2012 #1 artsy1 Songster 8 Years Sep 5, 2011 298 4 101 sarasota # 3 is tan and brown, but doesn't have the greenish legs like an easter-egger? #4 is black and white and tiny like the other one...
# 3 is tan and brown, but doesn't have the greenish legs like an easter-egger? #4 is black and white and tiny like the other one...
May 14, 2012 #2 BlueCamas Songster 8 Years Aug 25, 2011 2,198 41 171 Milwaukie, Oregon Does the first one have a single or pea comb? Not all EE's have green or slate legs, it's just very common. #2 is a Barred Plymouth Rock.
Does the first one have a single or pea comb? Not all EE's have green or slate legs, it's just very common. #2 is a Barred Plymouth Rock.
May 14, 2012 Thread starter #3 artsy1 Songster 8 Years Sep 5, 2011 298 4 101 sarasota I can't tell what type of comb they have, so young.......I got them from a farm for my broody hen and they had 6-7 different types of chickens and roos. I really only thought that a few would hatch------------ if any, but all 8 eggs hatched. do you know the sex? thanks so much
I can't tell what type of comb they have, so young.......I got them from a farm for my broody hen and they had 6-7 different types of chickens and roos. I really only thought that a few would hatch------------ if any, but all 8 eggs hatched. do you know the sex? thanks so much
May 14, 2012 #4 4-H chicken mom Free Ranging 17 Years Aug 3, 2007 17,491 192 511 Oberlin, OH Maybe a partidge rock and the other is a Barred rock. Sex, I going with both pullets.
May 14, 2012 #5 leadwolf1 Songster 8 Years May 1, 2011 3,706 123 213 My partridge rock was a totally brown little chick, legs and all...although, I have no idea what #1 is...I agree with the others on #2
My partridge rock was a totally brown little chick, legs and all...although, I have no idea what #1 is...I agree with the others on #2
May 14, 2012 #6 donrae Rest in Peace -2017 Jun 18, 2010 31,454 4,245 581 Southern Oregon First one looks like a Welsummer or brown leghorn.
May 14, 2012 #7 stephanie1992 Songster 8 Years Aug 14, 2011 3,843 36 191 Central California (Denair/Turlock) Could just be mutts, I hatch out alot of barnyard mixes like thos two