illness in chickens


5 Years
Apr 22, 2014
I should have known, my hen was fine, but then I noticed last week her comb on her head was crooked and pale and even looked dry on one corner! I thought the fresh spring air would help her. I didn,t do anything for her, maybe should have given her some apple cider vinegar. Any thoughts anyone?? She died in a weeks time, I am devistated, Just loved her.
I should have known, my hen was fine, but then I noticed last week her comb on her head was crooked and pale and even looked dry on one corner! I thought the fresh spring air would help her. I didn,t do anything for her, maybe should have given her some apple cider vinegar. Any thoughts anyone?? She died in a weeks time, I am devistated, Just loved her.
Welcome to BYC. ACV is not a cure all. How old was your hen? Did you inspect her closely for external parasites? Had she ever been wormed?
Hi Dawg, I looked for parasites last week, I let her outside, and noticed in the sunlight her comb was pale and flopped over compared to a deep red and straight up. I was just happy to let her outside for some fresh air, it's been a long winter. I put my 2 gorgeous hens under a lamp all winter, pamper them royally, fresh warm water in their heater bowel, occassionally a little apple cider vinegar for deworming. She has been acting normal, she was 2 years old. I am so sad. Thanks so much for writing and asking.
oh, reread your post, no never dewormed her, thought that vinegar would help keep away the need for deworming, what dewormer do you suggest?

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