illness need help now


8 Years
Aug 20, 2014
I have a sick Americana Hen. She has poopy butt diarrhea and rails. She also has what looks like yellow bile liquid coming out of her mouth and is struggling to breathe. When she's in distress as I hold her seems to be worse. Other than those two symptoms I see nothing else going on. She still eating and drinking but minimally. I've taken her out of the coop and brought her inside. Some of the other hens have had diarrhea but sporadically and 2 weeks a go 1 had what sounded like croop. Treated all 7 hens with Vetrx. Now treating just the reall sick one with Vetrx and oxytetracycline. I had introduced a new 6 month old hen about 4 months ago after 1 month of quarantine. She seemed fine. I cant pinpoint any illness with those symptoms alone. Way too many that it can be.
Can anybody help?
thanks, Wickedwren
I'd have a fecal sample read.
Giving antibiotics without knowing what's wrong isn't such a good idea.
As you've noted, there are so many things that can be wrong. Parasites, viruses, fungus, nutritional and environmental issues. None of which can be cured with antibiotics. And, of the bacterial things it could be, a large number of those have no cure so giving antibiotics for no reason contributes to super bugs.
What are rails?
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How does her crop feel? Some of her symptoms may be from sour crop or a crop blockage. Can you make sure that she is taking fluids well, and check her crop again in the morning.
I didn't quite think about that. I thought that since she had no other symptoms that she likely had pneumonia and that antibiotics was the best answer.
Chicken Canoe. Rails are a type of breath sound that indicates there is fluid in the lungs. Hearing rails, rhonchi, rales, coarse breath sounds and wheezing usually indicative of pneumonia.

Wickedwren, have you listened to your hen's lungs and does her lungs sound 'wet' or can you audibly hear her gurgling when she breathes.
I can audibly hear her. She has had a few instances of gasping and yellow fluid out of her mouth
I've since started her own electrolytes and probiotics. She must have drank a quarter cup by now
Good that she is drinking. The best that you can do is probably offer supportive care. An avian vet could probably sort out what is going on with her in no time.
Thank you all... I've been looking for a vet for the last 3 days with little luck. Seems my best resource is here and chicken farms around here

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