I'm a doggie foster Mom!

Carole AM

13 Years
Jan 12, 2007
Goshen, Indiana
Well I went and did it. After we adopted Brandi, I was kind of interested in fostering dogs/puppies locally. I found one close to home that I decided upon, and here's the result!
The other foster mom couldn't care for her anymore because she had surgery. She's 8 months old, mostly housebroke, and very lovable. Here's Sweetie!



Sweetie & Brandi

Good Luck to you and all your future fosters.
Pace yourself........I did not, I went crazy as a foster mom......now, seven years and literally hundreds of foster dogs later I am semi-retired.
I take in one every now and then and help people place their dogs in good homes, but my 13 keep me very busy.
It is very rewarding.........Best wishes to you!!!
How wonderful! I hope you enjoy your foster-ing!

Just be careful......I hear foster dogs are as insidious as silkie chickens when it comes to stealing your heart.

She's adorable! It's something I'd like to consider some day. We've gotten 4 of our dogs through rescue over the years. I'm sure I'd fall in love with every single one I fostered!
So far, so good here. Although at times (mostly) the house is a mess, the rugs are strewn around, and we are having FUN!

Now I wonder if there are any good foster/rescue type message boards??
I love to visit different sites, and chat about interests.
I fostered puppies when I was on co-op for school. I just wanted to foster one, and ended up with THREE! I thought my roommate was going to have a heart attack. I was only supposed to have them for two weeks and it turned into six weeks. So it was myself and my roommate in an apartment and these three puppies. It was utter chaos. It's hard not to get attached, but it was a great experience! Good luck with yours!
Carole that is wonderful. Fostering is very rewarding and addictive. It is also heartbreaking. I fostered for a local rescue group after I adopted my first chihuahua from them. They asked me if I would be interested in fostering and I said no because I would fall in love with my foster and wouldn't be able to give it up to someone else. Long story short, I was asked to do a favor for only 2 weeks, take in 2 puppymill chis until they could find someone else to take them. Now 69 fosters later I can truley say it is one of the things in my life that I am proud off. And yes I fell in love with my fosters and to say goodby to them was very hard. That is why I worked so hard to find them the perfect forever home. My fosters still send me christmas cards. I now own 12 chihuahuas, some are fosters that could not be adopted out for one reason or another. You will cry, laugh, feel sorrow and anger but you are the hope that these dogs need to live. God Bless You.
Chi mom to 12 chihuahuas

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