Hey there fellow chickeneers
I've made it back after life decided to take over for a short while - I've currently got 6 rescued layers (possibly the smae ones I had last time I was around here - I don't remember when that was though!) and next week I am getting *dun dun dunnn* an incubator!!!
Yayy - my last one stayed with my ex when we split for some unknown reason (I think I just forgot to take it and he never reminded me - c'est la vie) anyhow, forget the old hova-bator that I used to have - now I'm getting a Lucky Reptile Herp Nursery 2 Incubator!!
Obviously ment for reptile eggs (which it will also be used for - caught my two corn snakes in the act the other night, lol) but it has a clear front viewing area, digital thermostat and - well - it just looks a lot cooler too, lol. No auto turner obviously so I'll be turning morning and night as I always have (I think it's nice to have that bit of personal contact throughout the process) and hopefully I'll have as successful hatches with this as I did with the old one.
I can't wait - I've got some eggs saved up as we did have a silkie roo with the layers till recently, and then when the roo starts doing his thing where I rehomed him to I'll probably hatch some of her eggs too! Weeeeee! I'm back on the chicky train!!!
Well, soon, soon I will be......
I've made it back after life decided to take over for a short while - I've currently got 6 rescued layers (possibly the smae ones I had last time I was around here - I don't remember when that was though!) and next week I am getting *dun dun dunnn* an incubator!!!
Yayy - my last one stayed with my ex when we split for some unknown reason (I think I just forgot to take it and he never reminded me - c'est la vie) anyhow, forget the old hova-bator that I used to have - now I'm getting a Lucky Reptile Herp Nursery 2 Incubator!!
Obviously ment for reptile eggs (which it will also be used for - caught my two corn snakes in the act the other night, lol) but it has a clear front viewing area, digital thermostat and - well - it just looks a lot cooler too, lol. No auto turner obviously so I'll be turning morning and night as I always have (I think it's nice to have that bit of personal contact throughout the process) and hopefully I'll have as successful hatches with this as I did with the old one.
I can't wait - I've got some eggs saved up as we did have a silkie roo with the layers till recently, and then when the roo starts doing his thing where I rehomed him to I'll probably hatch some of her eggs too! Weeeeee! I'm back on the chicky train!!!
Well, soon, soon I will be......