I'm giving in to my broody hen....first time....wish me luck!


11 Years
Jun 26, 2008
Valrico, Florida
My Coop
My Coop
Well, I have a hen (Molly) a black Australorp that has been sitting on the nest for few weeks now with no eggs under her. I have no rooster either. I decided to give in and purchase some fertile eggs online and they should arrive Monday or Tuesday. Meanwhile, I separated her from the other girls and put some of my girls' non-fertile eggs under her to get her extra broody for when the fertile eggs arrive. I also purchased an incubator for a back up and for the extra eggs I ordered. Am I missing anything so far?

I will keep everyone posted on the progress...
just make sure she has room to come out of the nest box to stretch and poop, and lots of fresh water. keep an eye on her and you should be fine. GOOD LUCK

don't forget to let the shipped eggs rest for 24 hour before you place them under her.
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Thanks! She is in a rabbit hutch that has a nesting chamber attached. She has room to come out of the nest and stretch and eat and drink. I was worried that moving from the main coop would stop her from setting but so far so good, she has been on the nest with no problem. I wanted her to be used to the hutch before the fertile eggs arrive. I hand fed her some apple too. She love it!

I didn't know you have to let the fertile eggs sit for 24 hours before putting them under her...good tip...Thanks!
you will get a better hatch when you let them rest, the PO can really shake them up, check really close for cracks too, especially if the box is banged up.
I'll be interested in your progress
. I have a broody RIR that is ferociously protecting her nest, so I decided to stick a few eggs under her (I have a rooster). Last night I put 6 eggs, that I had just collected from the nests, under her. Now I need to set her up in an area of her own so if any chicks hatch they will be protected. This will be a first time for me, also. What kind of eggs did you purchase?
Thanks for the advice Buck. I'll let you know what I find.

Gold - I purchased a mix of pure breed eggs, RIR, BR, EEs, Brown Leghorn. I got they on ebay...22 in all!

Can't wait til they arrive. I'm hoping tomorrow. I'm curious to see what the hatch rate will be.

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