IM I a bad owner


10 Years
Jun 3, 2009
My 26 RIR are still going. They are 8 days old today and I tryed to rasieing the light it a red heat it 250 watt (to hot) to start with.

Any way i move it about 8 inches up and the chicks started to pile on top of each other so i put it back were it started

IM goin to try to move the to the chicken house next monday take the light with them. Will I need a brooder pen in there since there are no other chickens to bug the chicks? I was just goin to let them have the run of the house. I just wasnt going to put them out in the pen intill they were little bigger.

thanks sam
I dont know it just seems mean to put 13 day old chicks outside in the house all by thier self.

thanks sam
They should be fine as long as it's warm where you live- but make sure there are no holes they can squeeze out of. I tried putting our poults in their new coop last year- they squeezed right through the welded wire of the yard.
I have 2x4 weld wire to on my pen. I just wasnt goin to let them out in they were bigger.

I had my chicks in the coop with a lamp from day one! But i cant do that now cuz i have big hens! LOL You are not a bad owner!!!! OK

Chicken Girl
thanks for all of the post I will be glad to get them outa my and in to their house.

I hope you don't think you're a bad owner! Those babies will have a blast in there! I say go for it!
You know when you can't keep up with their pooping and its getting stinky then its time to go to the Big House!

I really need to build a brooder house but my last bunch of chicks stayed in my bathroom for two l-o-o-o-o-g weeks.

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