I'm in LOVE! Newbie chicken owner, help with ID, please (pics)


In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 9, 2008
SE Texas

While looking for info on baby chicks, I found this forum. OMG! What a great source of info! I see that I am not the only person who is suseptible to impulse purchasing all while trying to convince the DH that these little creatures will be great to have around!
As a kid, my mom had some chickens but apparently I was too busy with teenagerdom to pay much attention, with the exception of watching her crazy rooster. He would try to run up behind you and when you turned around, he acted like he was pecking the ground, but he never made contact with the ground at all! When I was a bit younger, we did hatch some duck eggs that my grandmother got from the local park, and it was great fun candling them and watching them hatch.

Fast forward a couple (few?) decades and a simple trip to Tractor Supply for some other supplies and (after a couple of whines and a pouty lip) Viola! we walked out with 3 chicks. Then we went to another feed store and, what do ya know? they've got chickies, too! I picked up 3 more chickies there! A feeder, waterer, heatlamp, some feed and grit and I'm in the chicken business!!! WooHoo!

Now, the DH is in love with them too. (I knew he would be!
) They are funny little things, falling dead asleep and looking you over with their tiny little eyes.

I need some help identifying what I've got. The first 3 are supposed to be Americanas, and the last 3 were in the bin marked Bantam @ TSC. I think one of them is a White Crested Black Polish, Bearded or not? The others I have no clue. I appreciate any help with identification of my new babies!






First three are easter eggers..... called Amerucana's by the feed stores/hatcheries... .I bet you get some pretty colored eggs...

(I have 2 easter eggers)
the first three are amercanas and the last one might be a blue cochin. Sorry I don't know any of the others.
Nice little flock I am thinking about getting three more chicks because everyone is torturing me with these pictures.

Good Luck
The first 3 are definately easter eggers (Americanas)
Next is a white crested black polish
Then I agree, probably a sebright
Last I think is some sort of cochin
Wow! Thanks for the replies! I've never heard of the sebright, I guess I'll google it. She is by far the tiniest (and noisiest). The furry footed one, the cochin, I guess I'll just have to wait to see which kind she is.

Appreciate y'alls expertise!


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