I'm in Windsor Township, York County


5 Years
Apr 25, 2014
Rather than go through ALL the PA posts, I'll just ask - anybody out there in York Co. - specifically Windsor Twp.? I live on a half acre and that is too small, according to the township's ordinances, to have chickens, even tho I'm in an agricultural zone.

Anyone have to deal with local (especially W. Twp.) laws that don't allow chickens? I could use some guidance here! I don't have chickens yet, so I'm not bucking the law - just would like to have some and go about it the right and legal way!
I am not in your area, but if you have kids you should find out if they have a 4-h project exemption.
Kids are grown and out of the house. Grands are too little yet.
One of my daughters in law raised chickens for 4H tho. I'm sure if I do get chickens she'll be a good source of info for me tho!

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