Good Morning (or Evening)..
I've been reading the pages regarding sicknesses and such and thought it was time to get off my nest and be a part of this community.
Background: hubby and I had chickens years ago and just never got into them much. I mean they were something you had to feed and gather eggs but other than that, no big deal. We've gotten older. We've started caring a bunch about all sorts of animals and actually take part in a rescue (for Land Hermit Crabs) and also help lost and found pets in our area find either their rightful owner or new owners. I feel strongly for all animals. I can't even kill the spiders in my bathroom because they're related to our hermit crab babies..
So, anyway. Now we've gotten back into chickens because we love having them, eggs are better from them, and well, it's time. We got 10 Rhode Island Reds and 2 Dominiques several weeks ago and lost two RIR's to unknown causes. We chalked it up to "unknown causes" and then three weeks after getting those, we got 12 more and lost two more of those.
Meanwhile, when the first batch went into the chicken coop, the second batch was in the cage inside with one we were sure had a broken leg. We put a splint on it but now she has wry neck.
That brought me to your board. We're prepared to work through the wry neck better than we have starting tomorrow but she's a fighter and I think we're up to it.
Dawn and Dexter
I've been reading the pages regarding sicknesses and such and thought it was time to get off my nest and be a part of this community.
Background: hubby and I had chickens years ago and just never got into them much. I mean they were something you had to feed and gather eggs but other than that, no big deal. We've gotten older. We've started caring a bunch about all sorts of animals and actually take part in a rescue (for Land Hermit Crabs) and also help lost and found pets in our area find either their rightful owner or new owners. I feel strongly for all animals. I can't even kill the spiders in my bathroom because they're related to our hermit crab babies..
So, anyway. Now we've gotten back into chickens because we love having them, eggs are better from them, and well, it's time. We got 10 Rhode Island Reds and 2 Dominiques several weeks ago and lost two RIR's to unknown causes. We chalked it up to "unknown causes" and then three weeks after getting those, we got 12 more and lost two more of those.
Meanwhile, when the first batch went into the chicken coop, the second batch was in the cage inside with one we were sure had a broken leg. We put a splint on it but now she has wry neck.
That brought me to your board. We're prepared to work through the wry neck better than we have starting tomorrow but she's a fighter and I think we're up to it.
Dawn and Dexter