Bit of background:
My husband thinks 'Scovies are the ugliest ducks in the world and said "no way can I have any"...kinda got my feathers ruffled, I mean c'mon I'm a 51 yr old woman being told I CAN'T have a duck I want???
Well I have Pekins and Mallards and kept silently wishing I could have 'scovies too. A neighbor brought some of her 'scovie eggs over and asked me to hatch them for her. My oldest Pekin hatched 2 out, sadly one died at a day old when both Pekin broody Hens got in the nest with it (accidental death I'm sure).
Second baby hatched out fine 23 days ago and has been doing wonderful with my oldest Pekin Hen.
Here's my 14 month old Pekin Hen with the 'scovie baby who was 3 days old at the time:
I have 3 more of neighbor's scovie eggs in the incubator fully veined right now.
A few days ago Hubby hears me talking with neighbor saying how I wish wish wish I could have 'scovies and he says " I think they are so ugly and don't like them but if you want them that bad go ahead"...Neighbor says Ohhh you should keep Scooter (23 day old duckling) and I'll wait on the other 3 eggs. YEEHAWWWWWWWWWWW!!
Scooter is my baby!!! This lil booger is such a riot, can outrun my other ducks and is quite proud of the fact. Scooter plays with my other ducks and they all look out for her even though Mamma Duck tries to chase them away from her. My Mallard Drake who mothers my three mallard gals that are a month younger than him even watches over big beautiful happy family
Here are some photos I took yesterday after the big thunderstorm:
Scooter and Mamma Duck in the grass:
Mamma shaking the water from her wings after swimtime
Preening after pool play
Scooter's first taste of watermelon
Peekaboo Scooter
and just because I love this photo of Mamma Duck preening
My Duck family consists of Mamma Duck the Pekin 14 months old, Scrappy Pekin Hen that I hatched in the house 8 months old, Mallard Drake 13 weeks old, 3 Mallard baby girls 9 weeks old and Scooter the 'Scovie duckling 23 days old
My husband thinks 'Scovies are the ugliest ducks in the world and said "no way can I have any"...kinda got my feathers ruffled, I mean c'mon I'm a 51 yr old woman being told I CAN'T have a duck I want???
Well I have Pekins and Mallards and kept silently wishing I could have 'scovies too. A neighbor brought some of her 'scovie eggs over and asked me to hatch them for her. My oldest Pekin hatched 2 out, sadly one died at a day old when both Pekin broody Hens got in the nest with it (accidental death I'm sure).
Second baby hatched out fine 23 days ago and has been doing wonderful with my oldest Pekin Hen.
Here's my 14 month old Pekin Hen with the 'scovie baby who was 3 days old at the time:

I have 3 more of neighbor's scovie eggs in the incubator fully veined right now.
A few days ago Hubby hears me talking with neighbor saying how I wish wish wish I could have 'scovies and he says " I think they are so ugly and don't like them but if you want them that bad go ahead"...Neighbor says Ohhh you should keep Scooter (23 day old duckling) and I'll wait on the other 3 eggs. YEEHAWWWWWWWWWWW!!
Scooter is my baby!!! This lil booger is such a riot, can outrun my other ducks and is quite proud of the fact. Scooter plays with my other ducks and they all look out for her even though Mamma Duck tries to chase them away from her. My Mallard Drake who mothers my three mallard gals that are a month younger than him even watches over big beautiful happy family

Scooter and Mamma Duck in the grass:

Mamma shaking the water from her wings after swimtime

Preening after pool play

Scooter's first taste of watermelon

Peekaboo Scooter

and just because I love this photo of Mamma Duck preening

My Duck family consists of Mamma Duck the Pekin 14 months old, Scrappy Pekin Hen that I hatched in the house 8 months old, Mallard Drake 13 weeks old, 3 Mallard baby girls 9 weeks old and Scooter the 'Scovie duckling 23 days old
