I'm pregnant! (8 months along now, no longer morning sick!)


11 Years
Jul 1, 2008
Portland, Oregon
That's right, I'm pregnant. As of tomorrow, I'll be six weeks along. Nausea started a few days ago and I just threw up for the first time. Does anyone have any morning sickness tips?
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2 things to try:

Candied ginger, suck on it like a hard candy.

Lemon drops, also suck on them.

For some reason these helped get me thru morning sickness, I had it rough with both both boys.
Oh! I am so happy for you!! I had horrible morning sickness, well it was really morning, mid morning, noon, afternoon......

I kept water and soda crackers next to my bed. If I had a cracker or 2 and a few sips of water before I got up it seemed to help. Also my Grandmother told me when I felt sick to nibble on a Ginger Snap cookie, you know the hard strong flavor ones you buy at the store? I swear they work! Good luck and again congrats!!

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