I'm stressed...

Group projects...
I feel for you. Here is my suggestion... Suggest that your group do a group/individual evaluation (on each other). If you don't think that will work, see if your teacher can implement it. The only group project that I didn't have to haul more than my share with was one where we evaluated each other and their contributions. Loved that professor, took another class with her (but the other class didn't have group projects). If they think that others will influence their grade, they may be more likely to pick up their share. If no can do, let the teacher know who isn't pulling their weight. Friendships are friendships, but a GPA lasts forever. Use your best judgement.
I always loathed group work too. Because the teacher knew I was a decent student they ALWAYS paired me up with people who weren't... I guess in the hopes that my habits would rub off on them? Except what it amounted to was me doing 2+ people's work and the slacker getting an A and getting to pass a class they otherwise would have repeated. Pass the problem (student) off to the next teacher.

So yeah, with you 100%. Just hang in there... soon enough it'll be over and you'll be standing on your own two feet.

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