I had a batch of 5 chicks, and I liked this one the best and rehomed the others. It was slightly larger than the others. Now that it's maturing, I'm starting to think roo. It's about 10 weeks old or so... not entirely sure but that's my guess. Also not sure of the breed... guessing it's a mutt.
Check out that comb! Pretty red to be a pullet, right? Especially at this age? And are those hackle feathers forming? They seem pretty narrow and stringy to be a pullet....
Part of the reason I'm thinking roo is the thick legs...
The mutt girl/guy with my two Russian Orloff pullets. They are best buds!
Check out that comb! Pretty red to be a pullet, right? Especially at this age? And are those hackle feathers forming? They seem pretty narrow and stringy to be a pullet....
Part of the reason I'm thinking roo is the thick legs...
The mutt girl/guy with my two Russian Orloff pullets. They are best buds!