In Colorado 13 week old EE bantam cockerel needs a home


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Where on earth did you get him?! He's got a rosecomb, instead of the typical EE peacomb! :eek:
Looks like a sebright mix. :love

I shall converse with Mom, and since we have a bantam hen, maybe she'll let me get him to hatch babies from! :fl
During chick days at my local Tractor Supply I adopted any chicks that started to "fly" out of the stock tanks which this little guy was doing at 3 weeks. He was in a assorted bantam tank. I have only 3 other bantams, which he does spend time with and they roost together at night, but he will not come out of the hen house and whenever a large fowl roo comes around he cowards in the corner for hours. He is roughly the size of an 8 week old standard chicken. Super cute and seems to have a good disposition.
During chick days at my local Tractor Supply I adopted any chicks that started to "fly" out of the stock tanks which this little guy was doing at 3 weeks. He was in a assorted bantam tank. I have only 3 other bantams, which he does spend time with and they roost together at night, but he will not come out of the hen house and whenever a large fowl roo comes around he cowards in the corner for hours. He is roughly the size of an 8 week old standard chicken. Super cute and seems to have a good disposition.

So he might be a sebright!.... Well my sister is hooked. XD
I'll ask mom about it in the morning. She may or may not say yes... :fl
Seabrights are a breed I've never had so it's very possible, when I asked others what breed they thought he was most suggested EE so I went with it. Just let me know what she says, good luck!
Yeah, EEs are pretty common at TSC. He might have some ameraucana in him... I'll have to surf all the hatchery websites again and see if I can find a breed who looks like him. :lol:

I will! :)

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