Inbar, the naked chicken-more pics, update pg 15


Loves naked pets
11 Years
Aug 17, 2008
So a friend very kindly allowed me to acquire her from the lab & here is Inbar, the naked chicken! Inbar is the original word for Amber & it's Hebrew. She is 15 months old & a nice small bantam:






And one of the huge meat breeding roosters (btw, the red is just testoserone):

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I take it these are the new ( No -Plucking Neded ) Birds they have been developing ? Poor thing .. I cant see where this would be comfrtable or healthy for these birds.. they couldnt be outside much due to heat, cold, and sunburn issues... KInda sad really .. Im glad you got her out of the Lab though...
Yes, scaless legs. They have been around for 50 years, a natural mutation lacking the scaling/feathering gene. They are no more messed up than the cornish cross. These can at least live a long life & don't die after a year of special care like the sad cornish cross rescues you hear about on here.

In the meat market, it's not just the plucking, they are also great for countries like Israel where the temperatures get so hot. They don't flop from the heat or need crazy cooling systems. I think that they are an asset to the meat market here & I'm not involved or have income from it. In my opinion, they are the lesser of the two meat chicken evils, cornish cross being the other.
My two chickens live in my apartment due to the crazy heat we have here so it's no problem for her & Cassia is so happy to have a friend again.
She's actually sort of cute, but that rooster - yikes!! Does she have a typical chicken personality? Is she friendly? I love her outfit.
Thanks, she is very sweet, she's already taking mealworms from my hand. She's really curious though & she's taken chunks out of my lip, nose & a beauty spot on my collar bone

She seems to like her clothes & it's starting to get chilly here so I'm sure she will appreciate them even more though I do have AC in the house.
Awesome... When you said you got her from a lab the logical conclusion was that they were developing them .. Here in the states though .. I dont see how they would survive , esp. here in indiana where it was 40 degrees f last night and up to 80 today...

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