Incubating guinea eggs in a Brinsea Mini Advance?


10 Years
May 6, 2009
It self regulates the humidity, so I can't set it at a certain humidity level. I've hatched out chicken and duck eggs in it, will it hatch out the guinea's successfully or is there something special I need to to?
It self regulates the humidity, so I can't set it at a certain humidity level. I've hatched out chicken and duck eggs in it, will it hatch out the guinea's successfully or is there something special I need to to?
If you can hatch chicken eggs in it, guinea should be no problem. (In my limited experience)

I hatch with 100% success in my Brinsea Eco. I think most Brinsea products are full proof. Only issue with using the mini will be the size. So many eggs so little space. I see an upgrade in your future!
thanks! I love the brinsea because it is foolproof! I have friends who have so many different problems, I haven't had any thus far. everything has hatched out. good incubator! yeah, a bit too small for sure!!!

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