INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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our version of toads in a hole vs southern toads in a hole?
Looking good!!
My roo is way way better. Barely any sneezing! I ordered the sulfa medicine 3 days ago and they only had standard shipping avalible. Anyways he lost some weight so he will probably have to stay up at the house for awhile longer.
Shlom Phill here somthing that I belive you didn't see for long time! The sun!! And some fruits from my garden! Hi! Beautiful trees. What kind of fruit is this one? What other types of fruit trees do you have? Were those peaches on the other photos?
This one is a star fruit or Carambulla, the other are lemons, I have 2 olive tree, lemon, star fruit, red dwarve guava, 2 mango trees, avocado tree, red orange tree, tangerine tree, pome grand, a pytaia cactus, and an un spiked cactus, and a lots of aromatic herb! I can produce my olive oil i get a yeald over 300 kg( 620 pounds mor or less) every other year, but we have a parasitic fly that damege almost all my olives, I can use pesticide but I prefer not to.
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