Incubator on webcam - LIVE


10 Years
Oct 31, 2009
Sharpsburg Ky
Hello everyone,
I am a newbie to hatching so I thought I would set up a webcam for everyone to see my setup and experience my hatching live anytime you would like. I have it on 24/7 right now and they should be hatching today or tomorrow through the rest of the week. The little ones are golden sebrights and the big eggs are goose and duck eggs that a friend gave me. Also I have one egg that is half cuckoo maran and half golden sebright. Check it out frequently and let me know what you think.
there are 9 chicken eggs I believe and 2 duck eggs. also 4 or 5 goose eggs. I dunno how many for sure because I just keep adding more and more
your welcome. I will probably switch between the baby chickens and goose eggs later on after they start to hatch. Keep in mind that this is my first time hatching any eggs of any kind so If anyone has any tips I am open for suggestions
I'll be checking in today and tomorrow, watching for rocking and rolling and listening for chirps! How exciting! My eggs still have another week and a half to go, so not much excitement here, so this will be fun!

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