indian runner ducks?


11 Years
Apr 13, 2008
Greenbrier, Arkansas
Woman has some Indian Runner Ducks and claims they're a rare breed? I know nothing about ducks.
So what do you think?
Only $5 each for ducklings so I can't go wrong can I?

Ducks eat the same starter as my chicks if they're a domestic breed?
"Runners" aren't all that rare - GOOD runners are kinda hard to find. A good runner duck stands totally upright - even it's tail should point downward.

$5 each is good no matter what type of duck if you're just wanting some ducks. Unless you feed NON-medicated chick starter then you will have to get different feed for the ducklings. They eat so much that if the eat a feed with medication in it they get too much and it kills them.
I found pictures, what an ugly duck breed, long and skinny like a Penguin.....

Thanks Broke down ranch.
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I think they're pretty cool myself. We have a pair of them and their coloring is nice and their walk is interesting.
They don't always stand upright but enough that I get a good laugh from them. And they really do run fast!

According to this website....
The Indian Runner Duck is considered “watch” status by the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy
with fewer than 5,000 breeding birds in North America and 10 or fewer breeding flocks.

Another nice thing about Indian Runners is that they can lay up to 180 eggs a year.
They are one of, if not, the best egg layers out there.​
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You probably missed the oppurtunity to get your Runners catfish; but since others will see this thread come up on searchs I thought I'd add a few pics of my Indian Runners. I think they are very cool and interesting ducks. And I find their stance comically unique.





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I have 7 fawn & white coloured ducks.. they are so cool to watch.. and great egg layers.. $5 each is a really good buy..
Heres I video I just took which shows the Runners upright posture.

Hehe notice my cat Autumn kicking back in the chair watching them. They seem to not mind her in the least. I'd used up the minute on this vid and seconds later the ducks walked right up to Autumn and said something to her. She layed on her back and reached out a paw in friendship. She does that to us humans and to our dog Wookie so its clear to me that Autumn welcomes the new additions to our little family. I need to get a memory card! That woulda been a priceless clip.

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