Infertile rooster?


7 Years
May 22, 2012
I bought a dozed blue laced red wyandotte eggs to hatch out and then added eggs from my coop the same day. They are all on day 11 of incubation. The wyandotte eggs are developing just like they should, but the eggs from my coop are mysteriously clear after candling last night. Could they just have a darker shell and I am not seeing what I should, or is my rooster infertile? He chases the hens around daily and does his job, but I wonder about those eggs.
It is possible that the dark shells may be hiding development. Hopefully your rooster is not sterile.
I finally found my candling light (darn kids) and candled all of the eggs. Three of the purchased eggs had a bloody ring, seven had movement and the rest are still mysteries. The ones from my own hens are really hard to see. One had some veining so the rooster isn't the problem. That is really good as he is my 10 yr old sons pet and we don't want to get rid of him. If you can see the air sac, would you be able to see veining or embryos even through a thick shell? Maybe we have too many hens for him to take care of effectively?
If you can see veining in one egg, I'm betting that your rooster is fine and that the darker shelled eggs will also be fertile.

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