Inherited a laying hen, Oakdale, CA


7 Years
Jun 6, 2012
Oakdale, CA
Hi Everyone,
My husband was given a 1977 Ford Truck, his intention was to tow it home, fix it up and use it for a ranch truck. The bed was filled with old tires and much to his surprise, when he was unloading the bed of the truck, we had a hen laying on eggs. So, now I am inspired by her and decided to undertake the project of turning an old wooden playhouse into a coop. She has been free ranging on the property since her arrival and the eggs we not live. I can't seem to get her into the coop, any suggestions? Also I would like to get several other hens for eggs. I can't seem to locate anything but a Rhoade Island Red, any suggestions. I would like pullets not chicks.... I found all the information on this website great... any and all suggestions for help are appreciated.
T Baker
Well, that's an interesting way to become a chicken owner
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