Injured by a Dog


5 Years
Mar 18, 2014
Today one of my dogs broke out of the "dog yard" and grabbed one of my RIR hens. I shooed the dog away. Put her up fortified the weak fence area then turned my attention to the hen. I thought she was dying or going to pass but once I picked her up she woke up and showed signs of life. However she does have a quarter to half dollar in size. What should I do?
Your hen was probably in some shock, so keep her in a warm place apart from the other chickens. Clean her with warm water and some people use a little liquid soap, but betadine is better if you have it. You can trim the feathers a bit to keep them out of the wound. I use neospirin ointment ( or generic equivalent) for wounds. The ointment, unlike the cream, can be squirted right into the wound. Reapply the ointment every day. Check frequently for the smell of infection. One caution: chickens cannot handle the "caine" drugs that are in a lot of topical meds. This is meds that end in -caine, such as benzocaine, cetacaine, lidocaine, etc.

Chicken can heal from some pretty bad wounds. She may not start eating or drinking right away so make sure she is staying hydrated.
Okay. I had out her back with the rest of the flock. I have an indoor area I can use to try and bring her back to health.
A couple days in and ole girl is doing better. I don't know how much longer it will take her to fully recover. I'll get some pics up of the injury
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