Injured Chick, seeking treatment advice


Apr 29, 2017
I have a chick that was pecked severely the first day it was born. Took her out of the flock, cleaned the wound, cut away extra skin and added anticeptic ointment then later, no pick (hence the purple). She slept great and took water from a dropper from me and later some slurry of water and chick feed. The next morning she was standing better and obviously stronger so with a new coating of no pick I attempted to place her back with the broody. Watched for a while and once they were out eating broody started pecking at her again. So she is now temporarily with me inside. I have her in a cat carrier with a "faux hen" setup. She is warm enough and now is eating and drinking on her own.
I need to know about cleaning her wound for the best healing. I've read twice a day. What does that look like? Am I scrubbing gently to remove anything? Just rinsing with soapy water? Just water? Peroxide? Should I allow it to scab over or keep it moist? Gimme your wisdom people! We want this baby to get better. At this point my plan is to place two other baby chicks with her (they are expected to arrive on Thursday this week) and then reintroduce them all to the flock once she is healed up. Let me know your thoughts on that as well. I know chickens don't do well with being alone. Thanks!
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At this point I would not use anything on the wound except veterycin skin and wound care spray (available at many feed/pet stores, look in the dog and cat section - it is good for all species) or neosporin without pain killer. Peroxide can damage cells and slow healing. Other than those, and keeping it clean (you can clean with the veterycin, it's my #1 go-to for 1st aid) I would leave it alone and let it heal. Unless you see signs of infection. If you put other chicks in with her you will need to be very vigilant as chicks will peck at almost anything. Your best option may be to try to divide your brooder set up with a screen (hardware cloth or wire) between her and the new ones, so they can see and talk to each other, but no one can peck her wound open. Make sure both sides have adequate room to get into and out of your heat source. Until it's healed and has some feather coverage, it's going to be an attraction for pecking unfortunately. Hope she heals up and recovers fully.
Here is a long article on a pretty severe wound and the healing process which may help. It's an adult bird rather than a chick but the same applies.
At this point I would not use anything on the wound except veterycin skin and wound care spray (available at many feed/pet stores, look in the dog and cat section - it is good for all species) or neosporin without pain killer.  Peroxide can damage cells and slow healing.  Other than those, and keeping it clean (you can clean with the veterycin, it's my #1 go-to for 1st aid) I would leave it alone and let it heal.  Unless you see signs of infection.  If you put other chicks in with her you will need to be very vigilant as chicks will peck at almost anything.  Your best option may be to try to divide your brooder set up with a screen (hardware cloth or wire) between her and the new ones, so they can see and talk to each other, but no one can peck her wound open.  Make sure both sides have adequate room to get into and out of your heat source.  Until it's healed and has some feather coverage, it's going to be an attraction for pecking unfortunately.  Hope she heals up and recovers fully. 
Here is a long article on a pretty severe wound and the healing process which may help.  It's an adult bird rather than a chick but the same applies.

Thanks so much for the response. My main issue is I have 2 broody hens who have been hatching these chicks and keeping them warm. They are still hatching 3 eggs due to hatch this Thursday....the clutch was kind of spread out. :/

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