Injured chick wing! What to do?


6 Years
May 2, 2013
Hi there. I am new to this site and new to having chickens. I recently bought 5 chicks for my wife and built a small coop/ run for the chicks that are about 2 months old. We let them out of the box to get familiar with outside. I felt bad keeping them in a box for so long and felt they needed a place to run around in that was protected with chicken wire. It's 8x8 by 4ft tall completely wrapped in chicken wire sides and top. Before i put the top on it one of the chicks went missing and there was some blood as evidence it didn't just fly out. Tonight as I finished working on my car I went to check on them and 2 were dead. Ones head is gone and the others neck is broken with blood. I grabbed the nearest one and looked for the other which was hiding in the dog house shelter I have (rigged up with a warming light and a place for them to be off the ground inside). He was hesitant to come towards me and I coach it to me. It's wing is torn open at the top where it connects to the body (and flaps its wing). It's not happy with me when I try to pick it up and I'm not sure if I should be forceful handling it for fear I may further damage the wing. I'm not sure what creature is responsible or exactly how I should go about caring for this poor fella. Any insight would be greatly appreciated! We have had great success until we tried giving them freedom outdoors in their new home.


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