Injured chick


In the Brooder
Feb 27, 2017
Abilene, Tx
I have a 3 weeks old chick that unfortunately got attacked by my older hens last night. They pecked all her feathers off her neck and down to the muscle on the back of her neck. I've got her separated in the house now but the wound seems like it's getting worse. I've cleaned it and medicated it but it looks like the wound is getting bigger. Any tips on what to do?
I have a 3 weeks old chick that unfortunately got attacked by my older hens last night. They pecked all her feathers off her neck and down to the muscle on the back of her neck. I've got her separated in the house now but the wound seems like it's getting worse. I've cleaned it and medicated it but it looks like the wound is getting bigger. Any tips on what to do?

Hello, I would definitely keep her separated from the others. You could try wrapping the area with gauze if possible. I would also give her some Poultry nutri-drench, and maybe a 1/2 baby asprain crushed in her waterer for pain. Question: Is she eating and drinking okay?

Please keep me updated!


Hello, I would definitely keep her separated from the others. You should spray her wound with either Saline Wound Wash or Neosporin (or just triple antibiotic ointment.) to keep it from getting infected, you could try wrapping the area with gauze if possible. I would also give her some Poultry nutri-drench, (you could find it at your local feedstore. Question: Is she eating and drinking okay?

Please keep me updated!


She's doing much better today, she even tried to escape the carrier that I have her in. I've kept it clean but I'm trying to let it dry out a little so that it can scab over.

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