Injured foot.


9 Years
Jan 21, 2011
Hello I'm new to this forum, although I have been reading from your posts to help me in our new endeavor with raising chickens.

Today we noticed one of our barred rocks had a foot problem.

It looks like if you had cut off the TIP of your finger. She has no claw on that toe, and that whole foot is warm to the touch. So far, I've cleaned the toe, sprayed it with a numbing/freezing spray I use on my kids if they get hurt, and put some neosporin on it, then wrapped it with gauze. She inside being held atm, but we can't keep that up.

I tried to post pictures but don't see a servimg button to do that here.

Any thoughts?


I'd like to put her back in the coup with the others?
sorry no one has responded to your post. If theres an open wound I would not put her back yet. Do you have a dog kennel[crate] the other chickens will peck at any open wound, cut etc. Also don't use any kind of med. that has the pain killer that ends with caine on chickens. You could also soak her foot several times a day in epsom salt water [warm] if the hotness doesn't subside you might need to put her on oral antibiotics or give her injectable ones.
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Also from what I have seen on other foot related injury posts, chickens may tolerate bandages better than I would have thought. So you may be able to keep a band aid or two on it for a while to avoid the pecking at fresh blood.
I would be careful about the bandage. I have had some chickens that will pick at the bandage and do better without anything. I have used pine tar on open wounds. It keeps the blood out of sight. It heals it up well and keeps the dirt and flys (in the summer) off the wound. Good luck.
I also have a hen that has something weird going on with both feet. Right above where the toes are attached is all swollen and she seems to be in pain walking but does manage to eat and drink just the same. I read the description for "bumble foot" but not sure this is the same. Thought maybe she had frozen her feet but everyone else in the same coop are fine. Have been soaking her feet in warm Epson salt water but doesn't seem to have made much difference. Would hate to lose her as she is the only BCM hen that hatched from a clutch of 7 shipped eggs- 4 hatched. One hen and three roos! Just my luck I guess...
Puredelite, sorry to hear about your chicken too... without seeing a picture of it I would treat her like it was bumblefoot. The sooner you treat her the better chance she'll have. Good luck.

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