Injured neck

Rachael Stricker

Jul 20, 2022
A very small dog attacked my chickens. One of the chickens suffered a small puncture wound, which we have cleaned and she seems to be fine with that.
However, I think she has some other type of neck wound. Her neck is “sunk down” and she is having a hard time eating off the ground and drinking some water that is in a hanging dispenser.
She is walking around fine, pooping (had yet to lay an egg today but it’s not her time.
Any help I’d appreciated.
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Can you post some photos of your hen, the water station and feeder?

You may need to provide her with a dish on a brick to eat out of and a regular bowl of water to drink from if she's struggling with the dispenser.

Hard to know from your description what's going on with the neck. She may have suffered some trauma. General care for nerve trauma is to give vitamin therapy to see if it helps. Give her 400IU Vitamin E and 1/4 tablet B-Complex. A treat of egg daily will help with the uptake of E.
If she's not eating enough, can happen when a bird feels bad especially after it was attacked, it (the neck issue) can be a sign a vitamin / nutrition deficiency.

Can you separate her and feed her a set amount to make sure she's eating?

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