Injured Rooster and cold weather


14 Years
15 Years
Jun 24, 2009
Yesterday my EE rooster (Laddy) beat up my D'uccle rooster (Bae). He broke a nail and cut open some of his comb. I cleaned Bae up and put Kwik Stop on him to stop the bleeding. Once it stopped bleeding the injuries didn't look too bad, so I put Bae back in the coop and took Laddy out. Laddy is now living with my ducks. But last night/this morning Bae's head was covered in blood. He still ate with the flock, but I brought him in and cleaned the blood off and applied more Kwik Stop. Yesterday I thought the injuries were small enough that the other chickens would leave them alone, but now I know that won't be the case.

So my question is, the only place I can keep him separate from the flock is inside my house. Since it is cold outside and he is acclimated to the cold, will keeping him my warm house until he is healed cause him to become susceptible to the cold again, or will a few days not matter?
Sorry to hear about the bullying. It can be so stressful! Last week I had to remove a leghorn from my coop because she was getting picked on. I needed her to have a chance to heal up and clean up before putting her back with the other 3 ladies. She had been pecked until her neck was bloody and my coop's interior was splattered. Anyway... I popped her into the large rubbermaid bin that I had used as a brooder and left her in my garage. I knew that it would be warmer than outside (important since she was alone) but not warm enough to mess with her "hardiness". Do you have a shed or garage you could use? If not, maybe a basement or less heated area? I'm in Vermont and until this week our temps were quite warm - 30 degrees. Last night it was 3 degrees and my poor leghorn wasn't allowed up on the roost, but at least they aren't bloodying her anymore.
Good luck.
If your coop is large enough for a dog crate, you could place him in that with food and water. When he is healed I would observe him with the others to see who is the bully. Maybe after the other rooster has been gone for awhile, the hens hopefully may not pick on him.

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