Injury? Slipped Achilles? Splay? HELP HATCHLING! VIDEO!!!


8 Years
Jun 28, 2011
Buckley, WA
I have a chick who hatched early yesterday. It seemed fine in the incubator but this afternoon when I put in the brooder, it was not using a leg (see video). Suggestions? I tried slipped achilles treatment, but it doing the same thing still. Treatment options? Possible diagnosis?
What does its hock joint feel like? Its the part where the leg has like a little backwards knee. If you feel a little notch where it should feel like a tiny elbow and a little bump on one side it is probably a slipped tendon and you can gently push it back into the notch. Then take a straw and cut it in half lengthwise about an inch and bend it to fit its leg. Wrap the whole thing in bandage tape and make sure not to put it to tight. Change the tightness of the tape as the chick grows if needed and in a week or so you should be good.
Its swollen so its hard to feel anything. Im not sure its a slipped tendon or not. I cannot feel anything. Its cracked and swollen. I currently have cleaned it well with hydrogen peroxide, let a warm damp rag sit on it, and now it is wrapped with vetwrap. It does not enjoy in. The hock feels flat, no bump, but a cant feel what I think should be a tendon......
should feel a little bump like an elbow. if its flat and the foot/leg looks slightly twisted its the tendon. you can stretch the leg behind the chick, like it would do to stretch its leg and gently apply pressure to push it over. if it has a wound it is bacterial/viral synovitus, outlook now good for a chick. either way if your scared take it to an exotic vet, or one that does parrots. they will fix it cheaply.

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