Integrating my poor little polish crested girls


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 20, 2010
At one week of age I realized that I had to separate my 2 polish crested from the group of 20. The other chickens of an assortment of breeds picked on the 2 girls till their heads were bleeding. At 3 1/2 weeks of age I tried for just a moment to put them back in the group and it was horrific. They ripped at their cute little tops of hair. I immediately removed them again. Is there any hope that at a certain age they will learn to play fair or am I going to have to get rid of my polish crested cuties. They are of course my girls favorites but I am not able to build a separate coop just to accommodate this problem. Any suggestions?
I would suggest putting them seperate but visible to the rest of the flock so they get used to each other. That way they can see each other but can't get to the beak attractor (the poofs). Then they will get used to not attacking their heads.

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