inteoducing new chickens

Kathy Cross

In the Brooder
Jun 7, 2020
We lost 3 of our hens this week. We are left with 3 hens and a rooster. I was told for the sake of our hens we need to get more hens
We are contemplating 6 more. I am a newbie to chickens so I am unsure about how to do this. We are going to get pullets. Any ideas, suggestion are much appreciated.
We lost 3 of our hens this week. We are left with 3 hens and a rooster. I was told for the sake of our hens we need to get more hens
We are contemplating 6 more. I am a newbie to chickens so I am unsure about how to do this. We are going to get pullets. Any ideas, suggestion are much appreciated.
Hello again Kathy.
As I mentioned in your intro thread, it's all about resources. LOTS of space, food, water, hiding places and other things to keep them occupied.

How did you lose your three hens? If it was predation, how did it happen? Free ranging or a security breech in your coop/run?

Will the pullets you are introducing be POL or prior to POL?
Your rooster may help greatly with the integration.
You will really want to start with a 30-day quarantine period unless you are very sure of the health of the pullets you are receiving.

After quarantine, start with a 'look don't touch' set up where everyone can see each other through fencing but not get to each other. Leave them like this for about a week.

For the first time out of their isolation area, I'd let the new ones out for about 2 hours to explore the full area and get to know it before any members of the original flock come out. I'd then let out the rooster. He is much more likely to immediately accept them and help with the integration. If that goes well, let the others out and monitor but try not in interfere with normal pecking. Only get involved if it looks like an all on attack is happening. If you've provided them with lots of resources and plenty of space, that is unlikely but possible.

Bare in mind that integration is a gradual process. It takes months before a cohesive flock develops. I think the rooster will help but you'll have to see. I know my boy helped a lot.

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