Introducing young chicks about 3 to 4 weeks old to a hen


In the Brooder
Jun 14, 2017
I have a hen that has one chick that is 3 weeks old.
I just got 4 chicks to add to my flock. What is the best and safest way to introduce them? Momma is not happy!
If you don't mind thinking all day for a few days----They Might Kill them, They Might Not, They Might Kill them, They Might Not---then it becomes according to the chickens/hen you are going to introduce them to. There are several ways to try---put them in a cage for a few days where they can see each other but not touch, put them under the mother hen at night and watch them the next morning early(probably not going to work--to old). There is a 50%/50% chance they will be accepted----not die/get hurt. I do not like those odds so If I was going to introduce them to the flock it would be after they got several months old so they can some what protect themselves. But my method is probably different----"I" never mix/introduce them. They have their own place until the older chickens are sold/gone.
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Thank you for the advice. I do agree keeping them separate for now if the way to go. After I saw how the hen reacted I immediately separated them.

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