Introduicing young chicks to flock


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jan 25, 2014

I have a flock of 8 adult chickens and two, 10 week old chicks (female) that were raised by a broody mother but now just spend time together without their mother. In a week I want to introduce around 3 new chicks that will be around 4 weeks old that a lady down the road doesn't want.

With the 2 chicks, I actually started off with 3 but the one male was sadly killed by a rat.

Anyway, that's not the point. If I introduce these three chicks to my flock, will they get picked on and/or possibly hurt? Should I fence up an area with a broody chicken and let them live around them for a while until the other chickens are used to them and then remove the mesh fence?

Please help since I have only a few days until I get them.


This is one of my introduction cages I use to introduce the new
to the old and after a week or so I let them out or at 10 to 12 weeks to fully inter act with each other .....

Now remember a proper introduction is the most important
thing you can do to lower the risk of any thing bad happening
and you do need to observe for the first couple of days

Did that help ???
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Oh thanks so much... I'll try it soon since I just got them and there just together settling in :)

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