Is $3 to much for 4 week old Cornish x meat birds?


11 Years
Apr 23, 2008
This farmer is selling his meat birds for $3 a piece and they are 4 weeks old. Would you pay that much? I tried to figure if I was going to buy 25 and it took 10#s of food it would roughly be $21 for food for 4 weeks and then they cost like $1.30 brand new so that should be less than $2.50 per bird right? What do you think?
When you calculate it your way, $3 sounds like too much. But I've never had meat birds, so I don't know how much they eat, how much they cost, etc. Did you ask him about a price break for buying 25 of them? If you're going to buy that many, then he should work you a deal. At least I would.
If they are four weeks old they are nearly half grown. I don't think that is a bad price at all. He's had to muck them and feed them now for quite near half their lives. I process my broilers at nine weeks.

Feed prices might be lower in Kentucky compared to high priced New England but to me it his offer is a deal. Buy them. He's probably had deaths already and of course had shipping costs and time and effort to unpack, water and get those birds going on feed. Not to mention electricity for heating costs.

Why shouldn't that farmer make a profit on his efforts? It isn't much I'll tell you. That's why I don't sell any of my meat birds. A lot of people ask me too but I won't do it (though it is legal here in Vermont). It is just way too much work. By the time I have vacuum sealed their delicious carcasses and stuffed them into the freezer, the effort is not appreciated by those who do not raise their own clean meat.
I agree as well. By 4 weeks old, I would have gone through at least 150 lbs of feed for 25 birds, and if you factor in the original purchase cost, then $3 is not too much. He is probably just trying to recoup the costs he has in the birds so far.
Wow, I didn't realize they ate so much. :eek: That explains the fast growth rate...duh me!
When I posted before that it sounded like too much, I also said that was based on the info given in the original post..cost of chicks, calculation given for feed, number of chicks. Sorry if I offended anyone who raises these birds. I did not factor in all the extra stuff that goes along with them...feeding, watering, heating, cleaning. Very sorry for my oversight.
With all that considered, $3 sounds pretty darn terrific! Jump on 'em!
Thanks, I guess I didn't figure in all the other added expenses either. So $3 isn't so bad now that you guys told me everything involved.

One more ? though. If he has them in his basement can they come straight outside with me? Do I need a heat lamp since in KY the temps are getting in the 50's at night?

Thank you again.

Really, you did not offend anyone! I wouldn't charge any less than $20 for a processed nine week old bird because to me that is what it is worth. It will make at least four BIG meals and a pot of great soup after. Few people would pay that yet I will sell 50 six month old laying pullets in March for $20 to $25 each and people will come from a long way to get them.

I wouldn't say there are big profits here, that's because feed is so high. No one wants year old hens who lay nice big eggs because they think they are 'old'! My 7 soon to be 8 year old Jersey hen STILL lays BIG BIG eggs daily when she isn't tasked with raising chicks.

Value your investment, whether meat or egg birds! Good luck, you are (in my mind) getting a very good deal!!!
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