If they are true rumpless araucanas, I would probably pay that for them. People often pay $15-$20, from what I hear, for a regular ol' hen already laying eggs. Do you have pics?
That is not an Araucana, not even close. I would not buy them from that person if they say the rooster pictured is a true Araucana. Who is the seller? Are they members of the Araucana club? How familiar are you with the Araucana? Go to Araucana.net to learn about true Araucanas. They are a great breed but getting true stock can be tricky.
Good Luck
ETA: $75 is not a bad price for a quad but once you find true Araucana you may have to pay more. They are a very rare breed.
I hate to tell you, but that's not a rumpless araucana. The legs are the wrong color, it has a tail, and it has a beard and a muff. It looks like a probable Easter egger X Rhode Island red, judging by the comb, beard and muff, and yellow legs. I wouldn't pay $75 for 3 hens and him. If the girls are already laying, I might pay $15 apiece for them, and hope they'd throw in the roo for free.
i am very famler with araucana. I no now one a round me with ture mostly rumplees,blue egg laying ones. althogh looking at other pics she has thay have much less of a tal. right now i don't wont (foresay ture )
but am more of looing for rumplees blue egg auracana.
P.S. ( NO one a round me belives there is a starnded for auracans,amricans (as they spell it) and EE they all thingk there the same thing) but this is the best spicem around of this breed
A true rumpless bird won't have any tail at all, not just "much less of a tail". It's not just that they don't grow feathers. They don't have a tail under all the feathers. There is nothing for tail feathers to grow out from.
Call Ducks, keep in mind that Araucana can be tailed you just can not show a tailed Araucana. Many Araucana breeders keep tailed birds in their flocks to improve fertility. You should look for a pea comb, the bird should be free of muffs and a beard, have willow legs and lay a blue or blue green egg. Also keep in mind that not all Araucana are tufted. You never want to breed a tufted bird to a tufted bird. The tuft gene in pairs is lethal. Around day 18 the developing chicks will die. Those that do hatch are likely to have deformities and will need to be put down. I would think a good quad in a APA or ABA recognized color variety consisting of 1 Rumpless tufted Rooster, 2 rumpless non tufted hens and 1 tailed non tufted hen would be a great start. Now as you can see Araucanas are very complicated and this is only scratching the surface. I hope you will peruse true Araucana, they are a lot of fun.
ETA: Here is a photo of a Bantam Black Breasted Red Araucana from the Araucana Breeders Club site.