Is It A Coturnix Or Bobwhite????? ( Whats Your Vote! ) *PICS*


Angel Egg
16 Years
Dec 26, 2007
Ok here are some more pics of the mystery





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That's one vote so far on the Coturnix..make that 2 because i think it's a Coturnix as well

Coturnix - 3

Bobwhite - 0
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The beak is definitely coturnix... you must have gotten a throwback, Mark! I don't have any of these... give it back!

Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

The beak is definitely coturnix... you must have gotten a throwback, Mark! I don't have any of these... give it back!


hahaha how odd is that.. and i know you prolly wanted some white coturnixs to??

this could have been your flock starter​
Grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble ...

No, that's ok. I have Jumbos from Sam now, and I really like the goldens better than the whites.
I like that patch of brown, though... character!
LOL are you very very very very very very very sure????

She is so cute though.. when i take her out the brooder she creeps around making her little sounds and she never fly's i guess doesn't like to because the other coturnix if i take them out the brooder it's fly here and fly there and screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeam! Lol

If only you knew witch coturnix hen laid that egg LOL
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It is funny that you say that, because I have NEVER caught one of the quail laying an egg. Not the Buttons, not the coturnix, not the Bobwhites. The closest I've come is picking up a warm egg, but unless I put each hen in her own cage, I'll never know.
Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

It is funny that you say that, because I have NEVER caught one of the quail laying an egg. Not the Buttons, not the coturnix, not the Bobwhites. The closest I've come is picking up a warm egg, but unless I put each hen in her own cage, I'll never know.

Lol yea it's funny how quails lay there eggs so fast but chickens it takes them a few minutes to first find the box they want then stand in the nest for a few seconds then set down then wait about 10 or 15mins then lay Lol

i haven't caught my button hens lay yet either ..they do it to fast for me to catch them​

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