Is it a Mallard or Rouen pair???


In the Brooder
Jul 10, 2016

oh thanks, and please can anyone tell me how many eggs does a rouen lay and sit on?
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oh thanks, and please can you tell me on how many eggs does she lay and sit on?

Ducks will lay and sit on anywhere from 6-15 eggs, but if she can't cover them all then you need to remove the dirtiest and infertile ones. She can only hatch them if she has a drake.
Rouens lay anywhere from 100-180 eggs annually. Mixes are different, but I don't know what this is mixed with.
She has a drake and already laid 18 eggs and is keeping on laying. Am a bit frustrated about the day she'll start incubating..Thanks for your knowledge :)
I left them untouched. She stopped laying now. only 18 of them. I noticed she comes at her nesting place at 1 a.m and leaves at 7 a.m and the whole day roam around the gardens with his drake.Is it a normal incubating behaviour for rouen?
I see you already got your answer, I really need to keep up with the forums, whoops. My broody mallard sat on her eggs the whole day and left in the morning and evening to eat, drink, poop and bathe. So I don't think she will hatch any ducklings like this

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