Is it normal for a turkey to sneeze?


9 Years
Jul 17, 2012
Southern Minnesota
I brought home a white broad breasted turkey from a commercial farm to keep as a pet. I had planned to keep her with my chickens, but I noticed her sneezing after I brought her home. I've never had turkeys before, so is this normal? or could she be sick? I don't want to put my chickens at risk.

Since she was on a commercial farm with 1000s of turkeys, could it just be a respiratory infection? The ammonia fumes were horrible in the buildings. If it is a respiratory infection, could it be contagious?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
It seems to me that I always have a couple of sneezing turkeys. I'm not big on antibiotics for food animals, so i never treat them. It doesn't seem to be a problem. At first, I worried a great deal about losing the whole flock, but now it seems fairlyu normal. That DOES NOT mean that your turkey didn't come from a commercial barnyard with something potentially bad. Hopefully someone more disease savvy will pipe in.
It seems to me that I always have a couple of sneezing turkeys. I'm not big on antibiotics for food animals, so i never treat them. It doesn't seem to be a problem. At first, I worried a great deal about losing the whole flock, but now it seems fairlyu normal. That DOES NOT mean that your turkey didn't come from a commercial barnyard with something potentially bad. Hopefully someone more disease savvy will pipe in.

Thank-you! This brings me some comfort. She doesn't sneeze very often, so maybe it's fine. She looks fairly healthy otherwise.

If some sort of disease went through that commercial turkey farm, they'd be devastated. I imagine that they have their turkeys up to date on any medications in order to keep them alive in conditions like that.

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