Is my other rooster a rooster? (with better pictures)


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 25, 2009
Monday, Ohio
I will get a better picture of the other rooster tomorrow but for now this will do...
In this picture, you can see the bright red pea comb on my rooster (he's in the back of everybody else) My other rooster is the white bird in the middle of the photo. This white bird is built much the same as the bird with the bright red comb, both a larger build and taller than the rest of the hens. his comb though is slightly wide like that of the rooster but not swollen or red at all. The second picture shows the white bird in question at the bottom left. The third photo is my rooster. Birds are all "Ameracaunas" from Ideal I think and roughly 14 weeks.


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Your white one also looks like a rooster - the color pattern is a big give-away. Notice how your females all have a partridge or laced pattern (not sure if my description is good, but you probably know what I mean) on their feathers? I'm sure his comb will get bigger & redder soon.
Several of them show wattles because the bearding is lacking. Plus, being that there is no standard for an Easter Egger, they can have several different attributes.

It's a cockerel.

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